Eye Candy Blog Pages:

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mettā bhāvanā (lovingkindness) Meditation

As those of you following my blog know, I've been challenged with debilitating headaches after having eye-surgery to repair damage caused by a faulty champagne-cork accident.

One of the things that has really made a good difference in my life is Meditation. While I've taken meditation classes over the years (I do live in Marin County, after all), recently I've discovered a form of meditation that really works well for me: Mettā bhāvanā (lovingkindness).

Here's a couple of links you might enjoy of the Venerable Bhante U Vimalaramsi guiding you in how to practice Mettā bhāvanā (lovingkindness) meditation:



  1. Hi Rochelle
    Nice blog post! Beautiful lotus picture.

  2. this sounds fascinating - I can't wait to learn more....


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